The Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 introduced maximum hours for each workweek, established a minimum wage, and guaranteed "time-and-a-half" overtime for certain jobs. Unfortunately, this act is violated frequently in today's working world. Many employees are not paid the correct wages or overtime for the extra hours that they work, and they do not stand up for their rights out of fear of losing their jobs.
Some of these employees do not know that it is unlawful for an employer to retaliate against or terminate an employee who seeks overtime wages that they are entitled to under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), and as a result they fail to receive the fair compensation that they deserve. With a Coral Gables lawyer from our firm on your side, this type of situation can be addressed in a legal forum.
What are the wage and hour laws in Florida? Currently, the minimum wage in Florida is $7.67 per hour, and the FLSA allows employers to pay a lower hourly minimum wage only if that wage plus the tips that the employee earns adds up to the amount of the full minimum wage for each hour. Florida also has no overtime laws, but employees may qualify for overtime pay under the standards established by the FLSA.
Florida law does not require employers to provide lunch or rest breaks, but employees are entitled to be paid if they have to do any work during a break. Additionally, employees are entitled to be paid for short breaks (five to 20 minutes) that their employer provides during their work day.
Has your employer failed to pay you the wages that you deserve? Have you failed to receive the overtime pay for the extra hours you worked? With the help of a Coral Gables wage claim lawyer, you can seek protection under the FLSA in order to assert your wage and hour rights. Employment law is a complex area of legal practice and you must make sure that your rights are fully protected before you try to file a claim for compensation.
Your employer must follow the employment laws that are outlined in Florida and federal law, and this includes providing workers with certain rights. When you feel that you have been wronged, you must take legal action to protect your rights and recover the wages you deserve. With the help of a Coral Gables wage claim lawyer at Mesa Law Firm, you can move forward and seek justice in a timely and effective manner.
If you have been the victim of discrimination or retaliation because you tried to assert your rights, then your employer is liable for damages and reasonable attorney's fees. Actions that constitute unlawful retaliation include termination, demotion resulting in lower hourly pay or salary, lowering an employee's salary, reduction of job responsibilities, or blacklisting the employee from future advancement within the company. Most Federal Courts will extend protection to employees who file informal complaints involving wage and hour issues, and there are several factors that you must prove in order to win a retaliation or anti-discrimination complaint:
Keep in mind that you only have two years to file suit to recover overtime wages, with the exception that cases involving willful and intentional violations have a time period of three years. Every minute that you wait to contact a legal professional about your case, you may be losing valuable evidence and time.
Contact the Mesa Law Firm today to talk to a legal team that is passionate about helping you.