The construction industry, and the welding aspect of this industry in particular, has a nationwide scope that affects persons in almost every city of every state in the country. Accordingly, it's naturally hazardous practices have earned the occupation a negative reputation among workers in the field, as well as government officials who have been made aware of the many dangers associated with such work.
Now, the large number of welders who work in the industrial and construction fields are under the scrutiny of the Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA), which has acknowledged the extreme danger that these workers are put in on a regular basis.
If you were injured in a welding accident, you need a lawyer for your construction accident case in Coral Gables. You need a lawyer from the Mesa Law Firm. We are here to offer construction workers the legal help they need when seeking compensation for their injuries.
If you're currently suffering from an injury or health issue that was sustained while on the job, we urge you to speak with a welding accident attorney at our firm as soon as possible. If it can be proven that your malady resulted from a dangerous work environment, an employer's negligence, or some other type of unsafe circumstances, you could be due compensation for your suffering.
Our attorney is here to help you determine the best way to approach a legal issue of this nature. With years of experience on our side, we feel confident in our ability to help you seek compensation for the injuries you sustained on the job.
Contact us today to schedule your free consultation. We don't charge any fees until you have won your case!
The inherent work of an industrial welder automatically leaves these employees at great risk of being injured or otherwise harmed on the job. Not only the welding machines themselves are dangerous to use, but so are the materials that are utilized to complete welding work. When welding materials are combined with the light that is produced by welding machinery, the welder's personal safety can be put at risk.
The powerful heat that is created by the equipment used to complete welding projects also creates an extreme potential for risk to the welder. In fact, far too many of the serious injuries that have resulted from welding accidents are the result of an industrial operation gone wrong. It is precisely these types of instances that require attention from a skilled construction accident attorney who can help expose such problems and bring compensation to those who were wrongfully injured as a consequence.
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration has instated a very specific set of regulations for the welding industry, all of which are geared toward protecting the safety of industry workers on the job.
Welding employers are so heavily regulated, in fact, that the most intricate details have been specifically written out for adherence.
OSHA safety standards and regulations are so specific that they address matters of every nature, from the potential for harmful light radiation to the basic sanitation requirements for welders. Additionally, these rules include specification for non-related welding issues such as bathroom use and general cleanliness. Accidents and injuries that occur on the job of a welding project will need to be investigated to determine if any one of the OSHA's many safety standards were violated.
The dangers of working as a welder in Miami have not been lost on the Occupational Health and Safety Administration, which has acknowledged the work's inherently dangerous design. Unfortunately, the same issues that have been identified by the administration are often overlooked by the employers of welding operations in the state of Florida. The result is often a catastrophic accident ending in serious injury or even fatality.
As such, federal regulations stipulate that the work environments of a welder must be well ventilated and free from other potential hazards that could adversely affect the physical health and / or mental wellbeing of workers. It is the employer's responsibility to provide such a work environment, and when they fail to do so, the fault of an accident could be in their hands.
The specialized industry of welding requires the hire of employees who are equally specialized in such work. Accordingly, it is also the responsibility of employers to ensure that they hire only specially trained welders for the work expected of them. All too often, employers risk hiring employees who have not obtained the proper amount of training, all for the sake of cutting down on their own costs. This too is a violation that can result in liability on the employer's end.
While it is not unusual for welders to be trained at a community college, it does require more effort and training from the employer should they choose to hire such individuals. Thrown into a full-time welding position with only the background that they obtained in community college, a welder can experience great difficulty. It is, therefore, extremely important that employers take care to walk new employees through the training that they need, especially if they haven't received instruction from a program such as the American Welding Society.