Parties' names and settlement amounts have been withheld in order to respect the privacy of our clients.
Car Accident – Man Injured in SUV v. Compact Car Crash Receives Settlement
A hard-working man who had a history of wrist problems that had required multiple surgeries in the past was injured when his small car was struck by a large SUV. As a result of the crash, the man had to have another surgery to his wrist. The insurance company claimed that the injury was a pre-existing one and that the surgery would have had to be performed at some point in the future regardless of the crash. Despite some very difficult medical arguments raised by the insurance company, through diligent research into the client's prior medical history and communication with the client's treating orthopaedic surgeon, Mesa Law Firm was able to invalidate the insurance company's arguments and connect the crash to the injury. The firm successfully recovered a significant settlement for the client without filing suit.
Car Accident – Significant Recovery Obtained for Young Business Owner Injured by Negligent Motorist
A kind, young business owner in the community was seriously injured when her vehicle was struck from behind by a negligent motorist. The neck injuries suffered caused severe financial distress for this young entrepreneur because she did not have health insurance to pay for her medical bills and her time away from work due to her injuries adversely affected her young and growing business that she had worked so hard to build. Mesa Law Firm represented the injured woman, and after a highly contested litigation, the insurance company for the negligent motorist, which company from the beginning of the claim offered very little money, agreed to pay the amount demanded just a few weeks before trial was set to begin.
Drunk Driver – Severe Car Accident - Drunk Driver Held Responsible for Actions
A drunk driver seriously injured a man in a high-speed crash while driving in Miami, Florida early one morning. Mesa Law Firm successfully represented the injured man and recovered the maximum amount available under the insurance policy of the drunk driver. The insurance company had refused to pay any compensation to the injured man prior to Mesa Law Firm becoming involved.
Roll-Over Car Crash – Single Mother and Two Young Daughters Involved in Severe Car Wreck
A single mother and her two young daughters were involved in a terrible roll-over crash in Tampa, Florida when a negligent driver ran a stop sign, causing serious injuries. Mesa Law Firm represented the mother and her two young daughters. The firm recovered the maximum amount available from the insurance of the responsible party as well as the maximum amount available from the insurance company of the injured mother.
Slip and Fall – Large Recovery for Security Guard Severely Injured at Work During Construction Projects
An older gentleman who worked as a security guard at a nursing home facility suffered a severe injury when he slipped and fell on construction debris that had failed to be properly disposed of during multiple, ongoing construction projects at the facility. Mesa Law Firm was contacted by another law firm to assist them in the case. Mesa Law Firm did so and co-counseled the case. Just prior to trial the responsible parties agreed to pay a substantial sum to the injured security guard.
Car Accident - Pregnant Woman involved in Car Wreck
Obtains Maximum Recovery
A mother to be was involved in a car accident when a negligent driver fell asleep at the wheel and struck her vehicle, causing her injuries and resulting in the premature birth of her baby, and the complications associated therewith. Mesa Law Firm represented the mother and the baby. The firm recovered the maximum amount available from the insurance of the negligent driver.
Hit and Run by Truck – Policy Limits Recovered on Behalf of Injured Pedestrian
A chef at a popular South Beach restaurant suffered a serious amputation injury to his hand when a large truck violently struck him as he stood next to his parked vehicle. The truck fled from the scene of the crash, and, despite pursuit from bystanders and police, escaped. Despite not having a negligent driver to hold accountable, and various technical legal arguments raised by the applicable insurance company, Mesa Law Firm successfully represented the injured pedestrian and recovered the maximum amount available from the insurance company of the pedestrian's wife's.
Motor Scooter Accident – Father and Son Injured by Hit and Run Motorist – Policy Limits Settlement
A father and son who were riding together on a motor scooter on South Beach during a holiday weekend were injured when a car took a turn too fast, lost control and struck them head on. The negligent driver fled the scene of the crash, but was ultimately caught and arrested. Mesa Law Firm was able to hold the hit and run motorist accountable and obtain compensation for his negligent actions.
Breach of Kidnap and Ransom Insurance Policy – Settlement Obtained for Family of Man Killed in Attempted Kidnapping
The family of an affluent Colombian businessman who had purchased a kidnap and ransom insurance policy in Florida from a large, international insurance company was tragically killed in an attempted kidnapping in Colombia. When the grieving family submitted its claim for death benefits under the kidnap and ransom insurance policy the businessman had purchased and paid premiums on for many years, the large, international insurance company denied the claim without so much as an investigation. Despite this denial, and after a thorough international investigation conducted by Mesa Law Firm and co-counsel firm, the insurance company agreed to pay the family a substantial settlement amount.
Commercial Van Wreck –Injured Crash Victim Receives Settlement
An elderly woman was seriously injured when her car was struck in a violent T-Bone collision by a commercial van whose negligent driver ran a red light. Mesa Law Firm was able to show that the commercial van driver had a history of driving violations and had no business being behind the wheel of a large commercial vehicle. Mesa Law Firm was able to hold the commercial driver and his company accountable and recover a significant settlement sum for its injured client.
Pedestrian Struck in Parking Lot – Injured Victim Recovers Maximum Policy Limits
A public school employee was seriously injured when she was struck by a negligent driver in the parking lot of a shopping center. Mesa Law Firm was able to recover the maximum compensation available under the insurance of the negligent driver as well as the injured victim's own insurance.
Slip and Fall – Substantial Recovery for Housekeeper Seriously Injured While Working
A kind, hard-working housekeeper suffered serious injuries when she slipped and fell on a rug that failed to have an anti-slip pad underneath it. Mesa Law Firm represented the injured woman, and after a highly contested litigation, the insurance company for the responsible party agreed to pay a substantial sum to the client just prior to trial.
Dog Bite - Justice for Victim of German Shepherd Attack
A client and his dog were attacked by a former police-trained German Shepherd that was running around at-large in the client's neighborhood. The client suffered a serious shoulder injury and a laceration to his hand, while his dog suffered various puncture wounds. Despite some very difficult and technical legal arguments regarding ownership interest in the dog, through diligent investigative and legal research, Mesa Law Firm was able to locate and identify the owner of the dog and prove her ownership interest in it. Mesa Law Firm successfully held the dog owner liable and was able to recover the maximum amount available from the insurance of the dog owner. The insurance company for the dog owner had initially denied the victim's claim.
Car Accident – Out-of-State Tourist – Policy Limits Settlement
An out-of-state tourist that was vacationing with his girlfriend in South Florida was seriously injured in a car accident while sight-seeing. Upon his return trip home to the Midwest, he had to undergo surgery for his injuries. After having no success with a prior attorney, the injured tourist contacted Mesa Law Firm. Mesa Law Firm was able to recover the entirety of the liability insurance policy from the at-fault driver as well as the maximum available from the client's uninsured/underinsured motorist policy. Mesa Law Firm also represented the man's girlfriend and was able to obtain a settlement for her compensating her for her medical bills, pain, suffering and mental anguish.
Car Wreck –Widow Seriously Injured – Policy Limits Settlement
A widow was seriously injured in a car accident in which her vehicle was slammed into from behind by a large SUV. She suffered extensive dental damage that required surgical intervention. Despite minimal settlement offers at the outset of the claim, Mesa Law Firm was able to recover the maximum amount available from the negligent driver's insurance company as well as additional compensation from the insurance company of its injured client.
Car Accident – High School Student Seriously Injured – Policy Limits Settlement
A high school student was seriously injured in a car crash, which occurred after a school party, in which a fellow student lost control of the vehicle in which she was a passenger. Mesa Law Firm was able to collect the entirety of the liability insurance policy and uninsured/underinsured motorist policy.
Business Litigation – Misappropriation of Trade Secrets, Breach of Contract, Defamation
Mesa Law Firm successfully represented its client in a commercial litigation matter it brought against an individual involving claims of misappropriation of trade secrets, breach of contract, tortious interference with business relationships, defamation and injunctive relief. Mesa Law Firm was able to obtain a favorable settlement on behalf of its client in connection with the litigation.
Overtime Wages (Fair Labor Standards Act) – Employees Obtain Compensation for Unpaid Overtime Wages
Several workers at a South Beach restaurant were not paid overtime wages in violation of the Fair Labor Standards Act. Mesa Law Firm successfully represented the workers in a Fair Labor Standards Act lawsuit. After Mesa Law Firm commenced litigation in Federal Court, the employer quickly agreed to the settlement demand made by the firm.
Car Accident – Seriously Injured Man Obtains Policy Limits Settlement
A salesman for a local radio station was seriously injured when his convertible sports car was crashed into in a violent T-Bone collision. Mesa Law Firm was able to recover the maximum compensation available under the insurance of the negligent driver as well as the injured man's own insurance policy.
Car Crash – Retiree Seriously Injured – Policy Limits Settlement
A grandfather was seriously injured in a car crash in which his vehicle was slammed into from behind. Mesa Law Firm was able to recover the entirety of the insurance limits from the at-fault driver's insurance company as well as the limits of the uninsured/underinsured motorist policy from the injured victim's insurance company.
Car Accident – Phantom Van – Injured Man Recovers Policy Limits
A music producer was injured in a car accident caused by a large van that fled from the scene of the crash. Despite not having a third-party driver to hold accountable, Mesa Law Firm was able to recover the maximum amount available from the injured man's uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage.
Overtime Wages (Fair Labor Standards Act) – Employee Recovers Unpaid Overtime Wages
A single mother who worked as a store manager (misclassified under the FLSA) for a large international corporation was not paid overtime wages in violation of the Fair Labor Standards Act. Mesa Law Firm successfully represented the store manager in her unpaid overtime claim and recovered the unpaid wages she had worked hard for and was owed.
Business Litigation – Settlement Reached in Suit Against Large Credit Card Company
Mesa Law Firm successfully represented its client in a commercial litigation matter against a large credit card company involving claims of breach of contract, violation of Florida Consumer Collection Practices Act and slander of credit. Mesa Law Firm was able to obtain a favorable settlement on behalf of its client in connection with the litigation.
Trip and Fall – Recovery for Out-of State Resident Injured in Fall
A disabled, out-of-state resident who was in town for a funeral was injured when she fell in a hole in a parking area. Despite prior knowledge of the hole, the owner of the property never repaired it. After Mesa Law Firm was retained by the injured victim and prepared the case for litigation, the property owner agreed to the settlement demand made by the firm.
At Mesa Law Firm, we work hard to achieve much for our clients. We take a personal interest not just in your case, but in you. If you or a loved one has suffered a personal injury or death in the Miami area, or the state of Florida, please contact our personal injury law firm and allow us to maximize the compensation you are entitled to for your injuries or loss.